Saturday, October 31, 2009


Ahh... another hurdle to Christmas is done.  Don't get me wrong, I love Halloween, but pretty much the second I get home from vacation, I'm ready to get out the sweaters and hang my stocking by the chimney.  I have almost no use for August and not much more for September.  I ADORE Christmas.  I love the shoppers, I love the decorations, I love the 24 hour Christmas music radio station.  I'm a serious dork. 

However, Halloween is where we are and we had a lovely evening with our friends.  Today, we babysat for my good friend Trish.  Her son Tyler is only a couple months older than Maggie, so needless to say there was a lot of talking about sharing.  The kids all do really well together though and it was actually a really great day with all four.  Gave me a little hope for my future! 

Later, a whole gaggle of my friends and their kids arrived and I had the satisfaction of having more people than I have chairs for.  I seriously love to have everyone over.  A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I had a boyfriend who didn't like to have guests over.  That may be unfair, I tend to stress and get wound up before people come over, especially in my pre-children, neat house days, but he didn't seem to get the same kind of enjoyment I did from having a houseful.  My fantasy was that some day, I'd have the house in the neighborhood that everyone comes to and wants to hang around with us.  So far, so good.  Jeff is a natural entertainer and he understands that my freaking out is part of my enjoyment of the occasion :)

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