Wednesday, November 25, 2009

20 things I'm thankful for - not in any particular order

1.  Jeff
2.  The Kids
3.  My parents
4.  My in-laws
5.  My wacky family
6.  Jeff getting up with Maggie most days
7.  Coffee
8.  The dog not having cancer
9.  Facebook
10.  My friends, especially those that keep me sane on a daily basis
11.  Kraft Mac n Cheese
12.  PBS Kids
13.  The rare moments when my kids get along
14.  Contact lenses
15.  Instant oatmeal
16.  Health insurance
17.  Being born in America
18.  Travel mugs
19.  My sense of humor and the fact that I have people that get me
20.  Coffee.... it deserved two slots.

Certainly not my comprehensive list, but not bad for 1 cup of coffee and 8:30AM. 

1 comment:

Trish said...

Coffee does need 2 slots!

I may have to do my 20 tomorrow!

Also I do get you...thats why we click!