Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hear that? That's the cavalry!

Apparently I must have sounded pathetic in my last blog post, cause yesterday I got a call from my old friend Naida, who decided to take pity on me and drive from Boston to visit and cook.  Naida, in addition to her many other talents, is a trained pastry chef, so there was definitely an element of "ooh, we're going to eat really good all weekend" to my excitement. 

I met Naida in my pre-mommy days, and it's good to have someone from the long ago and far away to give me some perspective on my life outside of mommydom.  It's so easy to forget that six years ago, I had a life that didn't involve constantly watching for life's hidden dangers, like wall outlets and magnets.  We used to work together, in my wild and crazy single days living in Boston - you know the days my kids will never believe I had.

As moms we so easily give up our whole selves to our kids, we need to remember that our kids don't define us.  That's part of the reason I am so glad to have friends like Naida from the 'old days', and also why "Moms Night Out" is vital to my sanity.  Without my fellow moms, I'd go totally mad! 

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